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1. The Provincial Grand Lodge shall consist of all present Provincial Grand Officers and the Masters and Wardens of all Lodges within the Province and also (so long as they may respectively be both members of the Grand Lodge and subscribing members of a Lodge within the Province) the Past Provincial Grand Officers and the Past Masters of any Lodge under the Grand Lodge.
2. The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge, unless the Provincial Grand Master, or in his absence his Deputy, shall otherwise direct, shall be held in May, June or July, at a time and place to be fixed by him, at which meeting the election of Provincial Grand Treasurer, and the appointment of other Provincial Grand Officers shall take place.
Especial meetings of the Provincial Grand Lodge may be convened by the Provincial Grand Master, or in his absence by his Deputy, whenever in his judgment it may be necessary. At the Annual and Especial meetings, Brethren not members of the Provincial Grand Lodge, provided they be subscribing members to some Lodge and Master Masons properly qualified, may, by permission of the Provincial Grand Master or his Deputy, be allowed to be present, but not to take any part in the proceedings.
The Master of each Lodge, or in his absence the next officer in rank present, who is himself a member of the Provincial Grand Lodge, shall answer for the qualification of any members of his Lodge who may apply to be admitted as Visitors to the Provincial Grand Lodge and the Provincial Grand Pursuivant shall satisfy himself as to the qualifications of every visitor who may not be thus satisfactorily vouched for.
3. Provincial Grand Officers, present and past, shall take precedence amongst themselves within the Province in similar order to Grand Officers holding, or having held, corresponding ranks, except Past Provincial Grand Stewards who rank immediately before the Provincial Grand Tyler. The duties of all Provincial Grand Officers shall, as nearly as possible be similar to those of Grand Officers holding like appointments.
4. A Report of every meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge shall be inserted in the Masonic Year Book of the Province, a copy of which shall be available to all subscribing members. The convening summons of every approaching Provincial Grand Lodge shall be transmitted to all members of the Provincial Grand Lodge.
5. A Provincial Grand Lodge Fund having been established for Charitable and other Masonic purposes, every Lodge in the Province shall contribute the sum of twenty pounds (£20.00) or, such lesser amount as Provincial Grand Lodge shall from time to time decide, per year or part of a year, for every subscribing member. The annual dues payable in respect of any Brother initiated in the Lodge who was at any time during the relevant year under the age of twenty-five shall be reduced by 50 per cent and his subscription to the Lodge shall be reduced accordingly, but such reduction shall be disregarded in determining for the purposes of Rule 145 (Book of Constitutions) whether all the members of the Lodge entitled to the same privileges pay the same subscription.

The following fees shall be payable to the Provincial Grand Lodge Fund in respect of:
(a) Every Brother on first appointment to Office (Active or Past) in Provincial Grand Lodge. There shall be no charge for Re-appointment to the same office in consecutive years £30.00
(b) Every Brother on any subsequent appointment or promotion to Office (Active or Past) in Provincial Grand Lodge £20.00
(c) For registration of a new Lodge £100.00
(d) For dispensation £10.00
6. There shall be a Committee of General Purposes, which shall consist of the Provincial Grand Master, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, the Provincial Grand Wardens, the Provincial Grand Treasurer, the Provincial Grand Registrar, the Provincial Grand Secretary, the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, the Provincial Assistant Grand Secretary, the Chairman of the Provincial Charities Committee and six other members of the Provincial Grand Lodge to be elected for a period of three years by ballot.
Nominations for the elected members, supported by the signatures of five Brethren, all of whom must be members of the Provincial Grand Lodge, as in By-Law 1, must be received by the Provincial Grand Secretary on or before 31st January, in order that they may be entered on the ballot paper which will be delivered to all members together with the notice convening the Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge. All ballot papers must be returned to the Provincial Office by 30th April, the result of the ballot to be announced at the Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting. The Provincial Grand Master shall be empowered to co-opt members, should fewer than the requisite number be nominated, or to fill a casual vacancy.
The Committee shall meet shortly before the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge and whenever summoned by the Provincial Grand Master or his Deputy. Notice of the time and place of the Meeting shall be sent by the Provincial Grand Secretary to each member of the Committee at least one week previous to the day of the Meeting. Three members of the Committee, exclusive of the Provincial Grand Treasurer, shall form a quorum.
The Committee shall receive the examined accounts of the Provincial Grand Treasurer, and report thereon, and also recommend to the Provincial Grand Lodge the application of the Provincial Grand Chapter Fund, or any part thereof, it may deem expedient. The Committee may also originate and recommend to the Provincial Grand Chapter whatever it may deem necessary or advantageous to the welfare of the Province. All transactions of the Committee shall be entered in a Minute Book of the Provincial Grand Lodge.
7. The accounts of the Provincial Grand Lodge shall be made up to the 31st day of December in each year and audited by two members of the Provincial Grand Lodge who shall have been elected for the purpose at the preceding annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge.
8. All moneys belonging to the Provincial Grand Lodge shall be received by the Provincial Grand Treasurer who shall pay the amount to the credit of the Provincial Grand Lodge at such Bank as the Provincial Grand Lodge shall determine.
All payments, as far as possible, be authorised by the Provincial Grand Treasurer or Assistant Provincial Grand Master and also by one of the following: Provincial Grand Master, Provincial Grand Secretary or Provincial Assistant Grand Secretary.
9. The Provincial Grand Treasurer shall be elected annually and all nominations for the office shall be sent to the Provincial Grand Secretary on, or before, the first day of February, in order that the same may be inserted in alphabetical order in the Summons.
10. The Provincial Grand Secretary shall issue summonses for all meetings of the Provincial Grand Lodge and its Committees (except the Provincial Charities Committee) and shall attend and take minutes of the proceedings. He shall keep a Register of the Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers. He shall receive the returns from the several Lodges and enter them in a book kept for that purpose. He shall at all times when required by the Provincial Grand Master, or his Deputy, produce his books and send extracts therefrom to him or other officer appointed by him for that purpose. The Provincial Grand Secretary, the Provincial Assistant Grand Secretary and other members of the Secretariat shall be paid such remuneration and/ or expenses as the Committee of General Purposes may approve.
11. All Masonic applications or communications to the Provincial Grand Master, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters (other than summons as provided for in By-Law 17) shall be made through the Provincial Grand Secretary.
12. The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies shall have the arrangement and direction of all processions and ceremonies of the Provincial Grand Lodge. Each of the Provincial Grand Officers shall be provided with the appropriate Jewel of his Office for his use during his term of office. In addition, Aprons and Collars shall similarly be provided for the Provincial Grand Wardens, the Provincial Grand Chaplain, the Provincial Grand Secretary, the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, the Provincial Grand Pursuivant and the Provincial Grand Stewards who are Past Masters of Lodges in the Province. Each Provincial Grand Officer may retain possession of the Jewel and other insignia of his office where such is provided, on signing the receipt book and an undertaking to return the same in good condition at or before the next annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge.
13. The Provincial Grand Tyler shall attend the meetings of the Provincial Grand Lodge and when so attending shall be paid such sum as the Committee of General Purposes may determine from time to time. He shall see that every Brother is properly clothed before entering the Provincial Grand Lodge and shall give assistance as the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies may direct.
14. Every Lodge in the Province shall by its Secretary transmit to the Provincial Grand Secretary the returns and moneys required by Rule 149 (B. of C.) annually, on the same date that similar returns are made to the Grand Secretary. Any Lodge failing to make its return and transmit the amount of its dues within one month after the end of each of its financial years shall be subject to such admonishment as the Provincial Grand Master shall deem expedient.
If any Lodge shall, for the space of twelve months, neglect to make its returns and payments, none of the members of that Lodge shall be allowed to appear at any meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge, or its Committees, nor participate in any of the Provincial Grand Lodge Funds, until the returns are made and all arrears paid. In case of continued neglect after due admonition, such Lodge shall be reported to the Grand Lodge.
15. Every Lodge in the Province shall annually, immediately after the installation of the Master, make a return to the Provincial Grand Secretary of the Master, Past Masters and Wardens and of all members entitled to vote in the Provincial Grand Lodge by reason of having served the office of Master in some other Lodge, specifying the Lodge in which each of them has so served accompanied by a copy of the annual statement of the accounts of the Lodge. No Brother shall be permitted to attend the Provincial Grand Lodge as a Master, Past Master, or Warden, unless his name shall appear in the above- mentioned return. The return shall also contain the full names and addresses of the Master and of the Secretary of the Lodge.
16. Every Lodge in the Province shall be represented at the meetings of the Provincial Grand Lodge either by its Master, Past Masters, or Wardens. In case of non-attendance the Lodge so failing to be represented shall be subject to such admonishment as the Provincial Grand Master shall deem expedient.
17. The Master of each Lodge shall cause a copy of the summons of every meeting of the Lodge to be forwarded to the Provincial Office, at the same time as they are forwarded to Members of the Lodge. Where upon approval it will be sent to Provincial Grand Master, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters and the Provincial Grand Secretary.
18. “The Norfolk Freemasons Charitable Fund” (incorporating the Le Strange Fund) and other charitable purposes will be administered by the Norfolk Charities Committee of the Province of Norfolk. Rules 18 to 18.5 shall constitute the rules and regulations of the Charities Committee.
18.1. For the purpose of promoting and organising efforts on behalf of Masonic Charity generally and for the benefit of Masons of the Province and their Dependents in particular and for managing and administering the Norfolk Freemasons Charitable Fund.
18.2 The Charities Committee shall consist of the following members: The Provincial Grand Master, acting as President of the Charities Committee, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, the Provincial Grand Almoner, the Provincial Grand Charity Steward (all such members being ex-officio) and a Chairman, a Treasurer and a Secretary to be appointed and removed by the Provincial Grand Master. Such appointed members must be subscribing members of a Lodge in the Province.
The Charities Committee shall have power to co-opt, as members of the Charities Committee, such Brethren (not below the rank of Master Mason) as it may by a majority of those present and voting think fit. Such co-opted members shall retire on the 31st day of May in each year, but shall be eligible to be again co-opted.
18.3. The Charities Committee shall meet twice a year and more often if necessary as directed by the Charity Committee Chairman.
18.4. The Chairman of the Charities Committee shall summon meetings, cause minutes to be kept of transactions of the Charities Committee and be primarily responsible for the administration of the Masonic Charities within the Province.
18.5. The Chairman of the Charities Committee shall summon meetings of Almoners, Charity Stewards and all Worshipful Masters of Lodges in the Province as he deems necessary.
19. Notice in writing of any motion to be brought forward at a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge, complementary thanks and similar resolutions excepted, shall (except as provided by By-law 20) be sent with the name of the mover to the Provincial Grand Secretary on or before the first day of January, so that the same may appear on the Summons convening the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge, otherwise the motion cannot be brought forward without the special sanction of the Presiding Officer. Should any member fail to bring forward the resolution standing in his name, it shall be dropped unless some other member shall, by leave of the Provincial Grand Lodge, move it. No motions, By-Laws, or resolutions which shall be duly passed and adopted at any meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge, shall require confirmation.
20. These By-Laws shall be printed in the Provincial Masonic Year Book, and shall be binding on all Lodges in the Province. No By-Law shall be altered or repealed, or any new one introduced, unless notice in writing thereof shall have been given to the Provincial Grand Secretary on or before the thirty-first day of December in any year and by him to each member of the Committee of General Purposes, which Committee shall report thereon at the next meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge.

The By-Laws printed above were adopted in their entirety at the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Norfolk held at St Andrew’s Hall, Norwich, on Thursday, 26th May 2011
Amendment to By-Law No 5 adopted on Thursday, 17th May 2013
Amendment to By-Law No 4 adopted on Thursday, 22nd May 2014
Amendment to By-Law No 18 adopted on Thursday, 25th May 2017
Amendment to By-Law No 17 adopted on Thursday, 24th May 2018
Amendment to By-Laws No 2, 5 & 8 adopted on Wednesday, 29th May 2024