Freemasons remember the fallen Masons of Norfolk
On Thursday 20 June this year, in a most moving ceremony, three Norfolk Freemasons laid a wreath at the Menin Gate on the outskirts of Ypres in Belgium, specifically to remember the fallen Freemasons of Norfolk. The three Brethren were Bro Rigil Kent, IPM of Ephraimites Lodge number 9442, wearing the uniform of the Norfolk Fire Brigade in his rank as Station Manager, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master of Norfolk Luke Loades, and the Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master of Norfolk, Brian Barton. The Brethren were part of a tour, which has become an annual event, from the Province of Norfolk to visit the battlefields of the Great War. The simple ceremony, held each evening at 20:00, underneath the arches of the beautiful Menin Gate, remembers the fallen of the Great War in the Ypres Salient, and the haunting sound of the ‘Last Post’ is played by members of the Ypres Fire Brigade, hence Rigil wearing his own uniform. It was a most moving occasion.
(Note…… in the two photographs, in each case the people are, looking at the photograph from left to right
APGM Luke Loades, WBro Rigil Kent, PAPGM Brian Barton