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Discover Freemasonry

Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest social and charitable organisations in the world. Its roots lie in the traditions of the medieval stonemasons who built our cathedrals and castles.

For Freemasons, there are four important values that help define their path through life: Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Charity. In today’s world filled with uncertainty, these principles ring as true as they have at any point in the organisation’s history.

Integrity: Building good people

Freemasons are focused on building themselves as people of integrity and membership provides the structure to help achieve that goal.

Friendship: Building together

Freemasonry provides the common foundation for friendships between members, many of which will last for life.

Respect: Building unity

Freemasonry brings people together irrespective of their race, religion or any other perceived differences that can divide us as a society.

Service: You want to make a positive contribution to society

Whether participating in events, fundraising for a charitable cause or volunteering for public or community organisations, service is at the very heart of Freemasonry. Our members make valuable contributions by donating time, resources and skills.