Norfolk 2027 Festival Appeal
Norfolk 2027 Festival Appeal
Provincial events for 2023
This June, for all those thrill seekers, there is to be a tandem Skydive at Beccles airport arranged via UK parachuting. Due to the nature of this event, there are as you may expect some preconditions that must be adhered to. Should you have any underlying heath issue, you must check with your doctor beforehand. All a participants must complete a self-declaration medical certificate, which will be emailed to you direct, along with an ‘introduction to sky diving’, from UK Parachuting, once we pass on your details. Maximum weight 16st. 7lb for men (105kg), 15st 7lb for women (98kg). Minimum age 16 years, under 18-year-olds will require parental consent, the good news for all our senior masons …there is no upper age limit!! Further details can be found at ukparachuting.co.uk
The cost per person is £210.00. This expense cannot be taken from sponsorship money. The cost may be paid by the individual, a kind Brother or Brothers, from Lodge funds not associated with charity, e.g. General purposes account, dedicated raffle etc, or even an employer contribution or other benefactor providing there is no benefit to them, such as publicity or advertising. Gift aid cannot be claimed on this expense. Please check with the Festival team if you are unsure.
Where and when? Beccles Airfield on Wednesday 21st. June 2023. The longest day! we have requested a wonderfully bright and warm day to give all those intending to jump the best possible experience. The start and finish times will be determined once final numbers are known. There’s ample parking and plenty of room for family members and friends to come along and support, bring a picnic and make a day of it!
How does it work? You will be given a tutorial; this will be around 20mins. You then get the chance to jump in tandem with an experienced Instructor, from around two miles high, travelling at 120mph and free falling 5,000 feet in 40 seconds. It’s a fantastic experience that will last for between six and seven minutes but will be a memory forever. Wear comfortable clothing, track suit and trainers are advised. Ladies can have a female tandem instructor if preferred, please advise in advance.
How do I record sponsorship? Sponsorship forms should already be with your Charity steward, if not please download and use the sample attached or contact the Festival team on 2027Festivalteam@norfolkfreemasons.org and we will be happy to supply them.
How much do I need to raise? Based on our previous event, we would expect each participant to a raise at least £500 in sponsorship …. but the sky’s the limit! Don’t forget ‘gift aid’ and boost every qualifying donation by 25%.
Please keep the Festival team advised of all participants by email to 2027Festivalteam@norfolkfreemasons.org with the following information; Lodge name and number being represented Lodge contacts name and details , Name of participant, Address, Age, Gender, Contact email address and telephone no. We will gather all the information and do the rest, should your details change please keep us advised so we can inform UK Parachuting.
Happy landings!!!
The 2027 Festival team.
For further information or enquiries on this or other Festival events contact the team on 2027Festivalteam@norfolkfreemasons.org