Other Orders
- The Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of East Anglia / Provincial Grand Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners of East Anglia – R.W.Bro David Boswell, Provincial Grand Master (Prov.G.Sec. Terry Larkowsky
- The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta, Province of East Anglia – R.Em.Kt. Colin Birkbeck, Provincial Prior (Prov.Chan. Peter Coles
- The Ancient and Accepted Rite (Rose Croix), District of Norfolk – V.Ill.Bro. Robert Hannam 33º, Inspector General (Dist.Rec. Mike McCormack
- The Order of Royal and Select Masters, District of East Anglia – R.Ill.Comp. Geoffrey Spencer, District Grand Master (Dist.G.Rec. Nigel Williams
- The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine and the Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and of St. John the Evangelist, Division of East Anglia – R.Ill.Kt. Dr John Elmore, Intendant General (Div.Rec. Alan Brown
- The Order of the Secret Monitor or Brotherhood of David and Jonathan, Province of Norfolk – R.Wy.Bro. Stuart Offord, Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler (Prov.Rec. Jeffrey Rafftree
- The Ancient and Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord, Province of East Anglia – R.Dist.Comp. Keith McCully, Provincial Grand Summus (Prov.Rec. Richard Strutt
- The Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees, District of East Anglia – R.W.Bro. Geoffrey Keer, District Grand Prefect (Dist.Rec. Michael Staff
- The Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests or Order of Holy Wisdom, District No. 7 (East Anglia) – R.Em.Kt.Pr. Stewart Middleton, Grand Superintendent (Dist.Rec. Ian Macklin
- The Royal Order of Scotland, Province of East Anglia – R.W.Bro. Ralph Robertson, Provincial Grand Master (Prov.G.Sec. Alan Brown
- The Worshipful Society of Free Masons, Rough Masons, Wallers, Slaters, Paviours, Plaisterers and Bricklayers (The Operatives), East Anglian Counties – Rt.W.Bro. Chris Sampson Deputy Grand Master Mason (Reg.Clerk Roger Bathurst
- Societas Rosicruciana In Anglia, Province of East Anglia – Rt.W.Fra Gordon Maclean, Chief Adept (Prov.Sec. Karl Debenham
- The Commemorative Order of St. Thomas of Acon, Province of East Anglia – R.Wy.Knight David Bridge, Right Worthy Grand Preceptor (Prov.Sec. Bryan McDonald
- The Masonic Order of Athelstan, Province of East Anglia – R.W.Bro. Alex Allan, Provincial Grand Master (Prov.Sec. Eddie Mooore
- The Knights Beneficent of the Holy City of the Rectified Scottish Rite – George Bonham, Regional Grand Prefect (Prov.Sec. Roger Wortley
- The Masonic Order of Pilgrim Preceptors, Region of East Anglia – R.Ill.Bro. Nigel Williams, Regional Governor (Reg.Scribe Ray Pascoe
- The Order of Knight Masons, Province of England, South – Rt.E.Kt. Nigel Scott-Moncrief, Provincial Grand Superintendent (Prov.G.Sec. Richard Goodwin