The Pathway Foundation Appeal
When members of Lodge of Friendship No 100 became aware of an urgent appeal by the Pathway Foundation in Great Yarmouth, their Charity Steward John Capon arranged a meeting at the Pathway Mission in Admiralty Road, Great Yarmouth with the project supervisor Jennifer King and The Reverend Canon Simon Ward. Also invited was the Head of Norfolk Freemasons Stephen Allen and his colleague Michael Muskett MBE.
The meeting quickly identified the two areas which the Pathway Foundation required urgent assistance for. First was a new dishwasher to replace the failing original, then the purchase of a suitable vehicle for the distribution of hot food and to give advice to the homeless and most needy in the local area. Stephen Allen agreed that the appeals should be supported by Freemasons from both Norfolk and Suffolk who meet at the Royal Assembly Rooms in Great Yarmouth, as the Pathway Foundation provides a vital service to the local area.
The replacement dishwasher being the priority, it was quickly sourced and funding immediately made available from the Rotary Lodge of Norfolk and Potters Holiday Resort at Hopton, both donating £1,000 each from their charity funds.
The biggest task was to raise £7,000 for the purchase of the vehicle. This was needed not only to collect food donated by local supermarkets, but to deliver hot food to the homeless and needy in the local area. The appeal request was made to lodges in early January, and following an excellent response from lodges, together with personal donations from members businesses, the fantastic total of £7,556 was soon raised. This enabled the purchase of a van, together with a three year warranty, insurance for twelve months and signwriting onto the vehicle.
Altogether a fantastic effort which enabled the van to be handed over a few weeks later on a beautiful sunny day. Stephen Allen, Lodge Charity Stewards and other members together with the private and business doners were all in attendance when the van was presented to Jennifer King and the Pathway Volunteers. Afterwards, Jennifer and her team were given a tour of the Royal Assembly Rooms and provided with a welcome cup of tea, which made a pleasant change as it is usually them who serve the teas!
The appeal raised the magnificent sum of £9,556, with Gift Aid adding a further £111. Sincere thanks must go to all who gave their support.